A year ago today (almost to the day) I made my first post so this is quite the anniversary for me!
This blog started off like most probably do, with people asking questions about my life here and wanting comparisons to life in Australia. I don't know all the answers (surprisingly :P) and it led me to researching and later, to blogging about my findings. Sometimes I'll see something funny, or tell someone something they find funny or strange and I come here and leave little drafts/notes for myself of things I could/should write about.
You have probably noticed by now that there seems to be no rhyme or reason to my post dates and to be honest, it's because sometimes I struggle with finishing off posts. I have many posts sitting in draft form just waiting for me to get the drive to finish them. Some might say I'm a bit of a perfectionist but it's probably more that I babble on too much and it's hard to cut it down to make sense! I will work on a post for a week. This one for example I actually started 5 days ago and am now just finding the time to work on it...
Hopefully though you guys don't mind the random dates of my postings and will continue to read on anyway :) I would also like to involve you in my blog and in the spirit of my One Year Anniversary, I would like to encourage my readers (if you're out there and so desire to) to ask me questions or suggests topics that you would like me to give my two cents on or look into.
Thank you for reading! I do read all your comments and thank you all for your feedback :)